This paper describe the important of teaching English in the field of education, concentrating on science and English used. The paper suggest than when the government advance to teacher of English engage talk about science they are developing communicative and strategic competencies, that is , they are extending their abilities to convey meaning and to employ varieties of language for specific purpose. Form and conventions of scientific discourse are examined to reveal rhetorical structure structure useful for teaching English practice and strategies.
Keyword: teaching, science, strategies.
When we reflect on the purpose of teaching English in the field of education, basically, language is a means to convey idea, thought, opinion, and feeling. English is the first foreign language in Indonesia which suppose to be very important for the purpose to the studying and developing science, technology, cultural, art and developmental relation with other nations. Therefore, it is determined as the subject at schools in Indonesia , it used by student to get theirs aims in their educations . That way, they can grow and develop to be intelligent and skill citizens, having Indonesian individualities, and are ready to take part in national development.
National development in field education is an expedient to develop nations mind and to increase the quality of Indonesian people in realizing the progressive, just and prosperous community based on Pancasila and the 1945 constitution, than enables its citizen to develop themselves to be unimpaired Indonesian men. Realizing the national development in the field of education is needed the act of increasing and perfecting in running the national education, which is adapted to the development of science, technology art society, and the need of development.
As one of Foreign language, This term is predominantly used when English is being taught in a country where it isn’t the native language (for example teaching English to Spanish people in Spain). For various historical and economic reasons, English has become the dominant language of the world in the twenty-first century. English is the language of science, air traffic control, and tourism, the Internet and to a very large extent of trade and export. According to the British Council at least one billion people speak or are trying to speak English at the present time and of those about 300 million people are actively studying the English language.
The Importance of Teaching English
In the world, over seven thousand languages have exisisted, one language had become dominate, This dominant language is English. “In the majority of countries throughout the world speak English as their second or first language, no longer just America or England.” English has taken many forms, American English, the Queen’s English, Australian, Canadian English, and several others. Even American English has taken several types of English, Jersey English, East Coast English, West Coast English, Southern English, slang English, and Ebonics. All of these languages have major variants between them, but are all of them are still understood aboard. Without English the world couldn’t operate, because there would be no one language that could be understands all over the world.
Due to cultural and economic backgrounds English is slightly different in each area, therefore there no one exact English. American English is the most common and broad type of English, American English spreads widely throughout the world, because of the wide spread traveling that many American dos. American English itself breaks apart into almost fifty types of spoken English. Each type of spoken American English is changed depending on the type of music that area listens to, the life styles they live, and the background of that area. For example, southerners speak faster and more rapidly.
Education Principle And Base Education
education based on five principles and republic of indonesia country constitution year 1945, take root in religion values, indonesia national culture and adroit towards period change demand. to realize this end, need all walks of life struggle. education aim is pillar the straighten of nation; will pass nation education upright will can to watch over dignity.
in uu 20/2003 about national education system, section 3, mentioned
“national education functions to develop ability and form character with prestigious nation civilization in order to mencerdas nation life, aim to bloom it potential entrant educates to in order to become human that believe in and pious in god very one, have a certain character noble, well, learned, capable, creative, self-supporting, and be democratic citizen with responsibles.”
point of view and national education mission has formulation in part “explanation” on UU 20/2003 about National Education System. Point of view and this national education mission is part from education system renewal strategy. has point of view wujudnya system education sebaga pranata social strong and authoritative to memberdaya all indonesia citizen rounds into human have a certain quality so that can and proactive answer period challenge always change.
By seeing education national mission with education point of view, has mission as follows, we can see several aims is:
1. Strive for extension and generalization chances to get certifiable education for all indonesia people;
2. Help and give nation child potential development facilities to realizes society learns;
3. Increase input immediacy and education process quality to optimize the morals personality formation
4. Increase professionality and responsible in education institution as centre of acculturation science, know-how, experience, attitude, and value based on standard national and global;
5. make character with society in education exertion based on autonomy principle in unity state context ri.
The important teaching English
Mastering science well is one of a conditions of someone to gain bliss in life. For example, someone who master English well is able to improve his career, as English is international language, we have to know that in this modern era almost all aspects of life from the smallest to the biggest. For instance; in the field of business, commerce, administration, and government. Knowing this, as student we are demanded to be able to anticipate the situation, transition, development, and the progress of civilization, even it is in the field of language. As the role of language is very important for the success or the failure of someone’s career.
In the field of education, because by mastering English well, it means that we have a key to open the door of science. We can study science of which sources are written in English, I think we have to know that almost all science book have been written in English, don’t we? And by mastering English well, we can exchange information whit other countries about things whit closely connected whit education. Nowadays our government has been sending the student abroad to study the science. Because the science that will be studied by them is served in English. That’s why the rule of English is considered very important in the field of education.
I think we have known the important of English, mainly in this era, and we are going to face the globalization era, aren’t we? Aren’t we aware about this? And what we will have to prepare to facing the globalization era? The answer is studying the science. And the science needed a skill in a language that has to be mastered is only English. Because it is one of the international language, knowing the importance of English, as student we must study and be master it, if we cannot master it, we will be left to study the science. Some time english lesson is frightened lesson in the eyes of student, it used to be, but now it is not. Almost student nowadays have been aware of the importance of it, and English in the eyes of them is as language that must be studied and mastered.
The Implications Of Learning Styles And Strategies For Language Teaching
learning styles and strategies are among the main factors that help determine how –and how well –our students learn a second or foreign language. A second language is a language studied in a setting where that language is the main vehicle of everyday communication and where abundant input exists in that language. A foreign language is a language studied in an environment where it is not the primary vehicle for daily interaction and where input in that language is restricted. Following the tradition in our field, the term “L2” is used in this paper to refer to either a second or a foreign language. The readers of this paper will be primarily in the field of English as a second or foreign language (ESL or EFL), and most of the studies in this chapter were conducted in ESL or EFL settings. However, some of the studies focused on native English speakers and learning English, and other languages.
Learning styles are the general approaches for example, global or analytic, auditory or visual –that students use in acquiring a new language or in learning any other subject. These styles are the overall patterns that give general direction to learning behavior. Of greatest relevance to this statement: Learning style is the biologically and developmentally imposed set of characteristics that make the same teaching method wonderful for some and terrible for othersLearning strategies are defined as “specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques.such as seeking out conversation partners, or giving oneself encouragement to tackle a difficult language task -- used by students to enhance their own learning”.
Methodology in language teaching has been characterized in a variety of ways. More or less classical formulation suggests that methodology is links in theory and practice. Theory statements would include theories of what language is and how language is learned or more specifically, theories of second language acquisition (SLA). Such theories are linked to various design features of language instruction. These design features might include stated objectives, syllabus specifications, types of activities, roles of teachers, learners, materials, and so forth. Design features in turn are linked to actual teaching and learning practices as observed in the environments where language teaching and learning take place. This whole complex of elements defines language teaching methodology.
What I Believe the Teaching English Is All About!
Ø I believe that teaching English is to help students find their own authentic writing voices and to use those voices effectively for a multitude of audiences -- academic, professional, social, public, private.
Ø I believe that every student has, if given the proper support and guidance along the way, the potential to become a confident, competent in English. Teacher give that support and guidance.
Ø Teacher must teach each student to approach his or her own work with the audience in mind. Each budding learner should learn to ask several questions before learn about English.
Ø Teacher must help students see that writing, speaking, listening and reading is a powerful tool for learning, and as teacher help students hone their skills, and teacher will continually reinforce writing, speaking, listening and reading as a useful tool for studying subjects other than English.
Ø Teacher should be responsible for her or his students' learning to organize their English, develop effective personal styles, and write, speaking, listening and reading without distracting correctness problems.
Ø Teacher also responsible for helping the students understand the importance of fully and honestly acknowledging others' influence on their work.
Ø Teacher make clear to students the logic and interconnectedness of the writing , speaking, listening and reading assignments.
Ø Teacher write , speaking, listening and reading in preparation for developing writing, speaking, listening and reading assignments and share teacher work occasionally. Teacher will be more effective in presenting those assignments to students and receive more successful products from them.
Ø Teacher constantly ask them self how they should go about helping students meet the course objectives.
Ø Teacher share with students their standards for evaluation.
it remains a valuable tool for teacher as who reflect on a lifelong learner in the classroom. teacher respect for intellectual property is just one aspect of teaching philosophy. I believe that each issue I address is essential to many teacher vision in the classroom.
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